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Supercharge to the end of Session 3

Supercharge to the end of Session 3

If the summer heat is draining your energy and motivation, then take a look at these seven simple ideas to get you over the line this session. Align your time, goals, and well-being with quick and simple hacks to make getting through the end of session load a breeze.

#1 Prioritise

Look at your calendar and figure out what you can eliminate. Can you say no to that extra shift at work? Can you skip one social event next weekend? Making room in your week for a little extra study and sleep or downtime will see you finish the session in good shape.

#2 Band together

There is power in numbers! Get in touch with others in your subject and plan some group study sessions (whether online or in-person). When you are committed to others it is much easier to follow through and you can bounce questions off each other.

#3 Breaks are allowed

Make a list of micro-bite breaks – ten-minute meditation session, walk around the block, a cup of coffee in the sun, a chapter of a novel or a nap. Think small, regular bursts to break up the those jam packed days.

#4 Plan

Make a study plan to see you through to the end of the session. Work with the times of day when you feel most productive and slot in short but focused study sessions.

#5 Celebrate

Plan a mini-break as a reward at the end of session. A couple of nights at the beach in an Air-BnB and splitting the costs as a group can be a budget friendly getaway. Even organising yourself a stay-at-home-and-chill weekend can be restorative. Shop for low-prep foods, stock up on books or load up your Netflix cue and turn off that phone to take a well-earned break.

#6 Reflect

Spend 10 minutes reflecting on how you are progressing with your subjects and think about some realistic options to boost your performance for the rest of the semester. Do you need some support from an ALLAN advisor? Are you behind in reading or assignments? Is there a concept that you are struggling with? Contact your subject co-ordinator and get it sorted.

#7 Remember why you’re here

Take one minute every day to revisit your bigger vision. Why is completing this degree important to you? What will your life look like when you have finished and are doing the things that you love to do? This simple exercise will keep your motivation high as you face the end of session work load.

This is an SSAF funded initiative
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