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How to get back into study after the holidays

How to get back into study after the holidays

You’re back from the holidays and you’re starting to feel a little stressed by all the study that needs to be done around you.

Luckily, we’ve got a simple guide to get you back on track and acing your studies!

Get a good night’s sleep.

Everyone knows that when they wake up tired after a late night, they feel sluggish and instantly unproductive to get any study done.

So, set yourself a reminder to go to bed at a reasonable time and wake up feeling fresh and determined!

Plan your day when you wake up.

Set yourself a checklist of achievable, realistic goals and by ticking them off, you will feel accomplished and proud of yourself.

This will also make you feel less overwhelmed and break down huge tasks that seem daunting to start.

Find a study buddy.

Studying can be really effective in group situations, helping you feed off one another and learn things you hadn’t considered before.

Find a room in the library and make it fun! Study doesn’t have to be all doom and gloom.

Have snacks with you at all times.

Nourish your brain… have a coffee or consume foods that increase concentration like almonds, salmon, avocado and blueberries!

Junk food doesn’t do anything for your brain and reduces productivity. 

Exercise is key.

Forcing yourself to sit down and study for a long period of time simply won’t work – it is essential to take breaks and go for a walk or do some sort of physical activity to keep your brain active.

Pace yourself.

Getting back into a routine is difficult, especially after long days of lazing about and hanging out with friends.

While it can seem overwhelming, it is all achievable in small, easy steps. Study in blocks, do one hour and then make yourself a cup of tea.

Do a couple more hours and go for a walk. Setting yourself small rewards is super motivating and will give you something to look forward to.

Don’t be hard on yourself but make sure you are trying your best to get back into the swing of things so you don’t fall behind and get unnecessarily stressed.

This is an SSAF funded initiative
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