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Instilling Daily Mindfulness the Easy Way

Instilling Daily Mindfulness the Easy Way

It can be a nightmare when attempting to turn new activities into habits. This has been widely studied – to create habits we would need to routinely do the activity over a period of time.

Mindfulness is a practice that focuses on relaxing the mind and allows us to regulate our emotions and internally observe our thoughts without judgement.

Prolonged practice of mindfulness has seen to decrease stress and anxiety within people. We often practice mindfulness as an activity done occasionally and because of this, it is difficult in translating practices across into habit.

Below are two apps from creators that understand the difficulties in creating new habits. They offer a way for users to develop mindful practices that can be incorporated throughout the day without the pressure of creating habits or doing activities routinely.

#SelfCare by TRU LUV

#SelfCare is a free app that focuses on creating a private space that resides outside the hustle of today’s world. There are a number of different components that users can choose on doing while using the app.

The difference with this app is that there is no need to progress or complete tasks. The activities go for as long as the user wants. With an incorporation of spirituality, meditation and calming exercises, this app aims to provide you with an area that focuses on relaxation and calm.

There is no sign up required, no ads, no winning and no losing. Take a few moments out of your day and experience #SelfCare.

Waking Up: A Meditation Course with Sam Harris

Another free app, Waking Up offers subscription services providing access to meditation sessions and a number of podcasts about the theory behind meditation.

The complement between these two components succeeds in providing reasoning why certain types of mediation practices are completed in particular ways. There are helpful suggestions on how to insert mindfulness throughout the day.

Sam Harris is aware of the scepticism that new practisers may have around the benefits and usefulness of meditation which he addresses accordingly. This app is a great introduction for those starting their journey into mindfulness practices.

When is it a Good Time to Instil Mindfulness?

Usually that is the first question asked when starting a new activity. There are different answers to this question and it depends on your intention. Practising when you first wake up in the morning lets you set the overall tone for the day, whereas practising at night allows your mind to unwind and your body to relax.

Keeping sessions short and building up over time is a great way to keeping a habit long term. A few minutes a day is a great way to start and could be done anywhere, like waiting in line at the supermarket or cooking dinner. There are many different techniques, styles and practices of mindfulness. It is best to experiment and see which method works well for you.

If you feel stress, anxiety or any other kind of emotions that may arise from different situations, don’t forget that Charles Sturt University offers free counselling services. Click HERE to find out more.

Never forget that there is always someone there for you.  

This is an SSAF funded initiative
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