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Tag: student

Stress less! How to time manage this exam period.

''Most importantly, use Notion to your advantage to always be one (or a few) steps ahead of the game and ace uni!'' Bryle Molina delves deep into how he has managed his time during exam periods with Notion.

From vacuum cleaner saleswoman to oral health student…

Valerie shares her experience of moving to Australia, the various struggles of sales and racial discrimination and how she embarked on her educational journey to study Oral Health. Whether you're a fellow Oral Health student or an international...

World Gratitude Day: Nayma’s Story.

"Before being a student, mother, wife, daughter, carer, activist, I am human being and human beings are limited." Charlie's newest contributor Nayma Bilal, shares an open account on World Gratitude Day. If you're seeking some inspiration today...

This is an SSAF funded initiative
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